I am Seb.

Software Engineer

I think of creative solutions. I write code for apps, games and tools.

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01. Me

I am a 20 years old software engineer from Europe.

I've started programming when I was about 13 years old. I've always found passion in solving problems and I've always dreamt of becoming a software engineer, who creates great things. I write code on a daily basis and I really enjoy it.

In my free time, I like listening to music and watching movies and TV shows. I aswell enjoy playing video-games. I'm a fan of the Counter-Strike series.

02. Work Experience


Sagittaras Games

Studio 301

Programmer @ Studio 301

10/1/2021 - Now

I write code.

03. Projects

PDF Generator

This project was built under Studio 301 for the AutaSuper app. It easily allows user to generate PDF from a given template. This project used C# implementation in the app and communicated with Node.js and React implementation. It was used to generate PDFs of users' invoice.

Content Registry

Unity tool used for internal resource management created under Studio 301. It allows developers to manage assets and content in the app. The tool is capable of creating, editing, deleting, and finally, sending resources and assets to the server.

PointCloud Collisions

Library created under Studio 301, which creates interaction with ARFoundation's PointCloud implementation. It introduces Collider creation and collision detection in AR. The library opens possibilites to create virtual worlds with colliding objects. Library is written with various modes, supporting multithread solutions. Its main use case was aimed for mobile phones, so it was written with performance in mind.


Unity game created as an entry for the GMTK GameJam 2022. I took care of most of the programming part, which varied from round system, to complex card draw events, and mostly a lot of randomness.
The game was created in under 48 hours and we've used Unity and C# for the development.


Service used for automatic code checking in a self contained environment. It comes with handy tests definition, to which you later supply your code and it will automatically complete all tests and report their results.

The service was written in TypeScipt and is completely open-source.

Image Tracking Slicer

Library created under Studio 301, which is built on top of ARFoundation's Image Tracking implementation. ITS improves ImageTracking precision and allows for simple callback binding and result reporting.

04. Contact

Are you interested in working with me? Have any of my projects interested you? Feel free to reach out to me on [email protected]!

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